My sister Dayna is graduating from college today! Exciting. I thought it would be nice to reflect on my own graduation, five years ago in 2011 (I took a year off after freshman year).
By the grace of God alone, I graduated. I was seriously on the struggle bus my entire senior year of college for various reasons, which won't be listed. I passed geology (or some class along those lines) with a D. Yep, somehow that was passing for me? I didn't question it. Goodbye UAB.
Riley always striking a pose
It was a fun ride, but like most college seniors, I was so completely over it. I was over school, over Birmingham, over my studio apartment, over everyone in Alabama...
I was headed to New Orleans like, the day after graduation to start my season cheering for the Saints - and I was ret-to-go.
But five years later, I'm reflecting on what I could have done differently following my walk across the stage. I guess this isn't stuff I would have done differently...but hindsight is always 20/20 so why not imagine a different path...
I think I would have cheered for more than one season. I say think because I truly don't know. If you know anything about the world of dance/cheer, you know it's a full time job without fulltime pay/benefits. There are both pros and cons. You sacrifice a lot. While I was thrilled to cheer for one season, toward the end of that season, I wanted to start a career. I go back and forth on this.
Saints cheerleaders in Florida - 2011
I'm a pretty impulsive person so I was at ESPN working as a production assistant (no questions asked) right at the end of the football season. I loved working for ESPN. There's no doubt it looks good on a resume. Everyone always wants to talk about it. But a part of me wonders if I should have skipped ESPN altogether. Maybe I should've started my on-screen TV career earlier, instead of move north to the wintery hell that is Bristol. Okay, it's not that bad. I made some good friends there who I'm still in touch with today. But I do question that decision sometimes.
From Bristol back to Alabama, this time - Montgomery. While taking my first on-air job at WAKA was one of my best decisions, of course I would have done things different contractually lol. And all the reporters say...
Then to Phoenix - let's just not go there.
And back to Atlanta. I love where I'm at now geographically. I haven't lived in Georgia full-time since I was 19. I love this state. Of course, I wish certain circumstances were different. But a lot of that is out of my control. (ps- Read Brianne Gurley's interview under the 'people' section for having purpose/confidence in God and God alone)
I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform at my best in life. So I'm always looking for what's best for me. In five more years, I want to know that what I'm doing now is beneficial. A lot can happen in 5 years...